
You have a question? Someone else might have had the exact same one. Lets find out!

What is a Game Jam?

A game jam is a hackathon for game development where people with technical, creative, artistic, musical, and development skills can compete to develop a game over a predefined time frame (usually between 2 to 7 days) surrounding a certain theme.

How can I form a team? Can I join alone?

You can form a team by either asking your friends to join, or by accessing our Social HUB on Discord to find a group/ recruit people for your team.

You are also able to join the Game Jam alone.

Up to 5 people can be part of a team (Exceptions apply).

When will the theme be announced?

The theme will be announced at the event and on social media at 1:00 PM on the day of the jam. Follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter to get the latest announcements.

What are the Game Jam rules?

The Bahrain Game Jam Rules can be found here

How long is the event?

The event will be held over7  days, kicking off on Saturday the 5th of December at 10:00 AM until Saturday the 12th of December at 10:00 AM.

Can I use assets (Art, Music, Models, Animations, etc..) that I didn’t create?

Yes, we don’t expect you to do everything from scratch.
However, there are restrictions to their use; for example, they must be legally obtained, we will not accept copyright violations; Judges will mark the originality of your games.
See rules and Policies for more information here.

When and how do I declare using ready made assets?

You will need to keep records of the readymade assets you used and submit them to the organizer once the time limit has finished in any format you like. Records do not need to be too detailed, a simple “This Awesome Track was taken from This Awesome Music Pack 1” would be considered sufficient. Please read the rules for more details.

Is there an age limit to join?

You must be 16 years or older to join; however, we do recognize young talents and exceptions can be made if certain conditions are agreed upon. Please email us for such requests.

Please note that 12-16 year olds must have their parents sign the consent form and must be provided during the registration process.

How many members can be in a team?

Teams can consist of up to 5 members. If you are joining the Jam alone, you may be up for the one man army award!

Will there be prizes?

Financial prizes will not be given out this year, however we are focusing more on awards to allow for more people to be recognized for their effort.

Will Game Jam Scores and Rankings be shared?

Yes, we have a transparency policy where the scores are announced, and games will be ranked.

Is it required for me to be present during at the location of the jam for its duration?

As the whole Game Jam will be held virtually, you are required to set up a time with your team to be online using our Social Hub breakout rooms to meet and complete your games. The channel is open at anytime, and all you need to do is plan the timing with your group.

Find out more about how the Social Hub works here.

How will heavily edited premade assets be judged / evaluated in terms of originality?
  • All ready made assets need to be declared, not in detail, but in the following format: “Used the Quixel Nature Pack” or “Used Music from website example.com”
  • Judging will be weighted, ready made assets will be reviewed on how do they fit with other esthetic elements, and using those assets in an original way i.e. level creation.
  • Premade tools and codes (original or purchased) from the store is allowed but needs to be declared in the documentation.

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